Engage the Campus


Engage the Campus


NSO phase 2: Engage the Campus blue icon. A dining table with plates and spoons.


In the Engage phase, we’ve heard from Jesus and now we are doing the work of welcoming students to his table on new corners and campuses.

All Engage the Campus Resources

Working with Faculty Advisors banner
Our hope is that each of our InterVarsity chapters will have an advisor they are partnering with on campus. We’ve curated a few resources to help you, whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking to improve an existing partnership!
Peace Feast banner
Peace Feasts are helping groups across the country grow witnessing relationships with Muslims. Instead of a formal dialogue with guest lecturers and little interaction, Peace Feasts are about heart-level dialogue: Muslims and Christians get together in small groups, share a meal and discuss faith and life.

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