Grow the Movement


Grow the Movement


NSO phase 3: Grow the movement blue icon. Two hands holding chopsticks and a bowl of rice with a pie and a heart in the middle.


Grow is looking to see what Jesus has done, who he has brought to his table and where there is momentum as we go into the next stage of our ministry plans.

All Grow the Movement Resources

South Asian Discipleship Series
Do you wonder how Jesus might speak into your unique South Asian cultural experience? This seven-week discipleship series, created by South Asian InterVarsity staff for South Asian College students, will challenge you to take bold new risks, go deep and encounter the God of your people.
Studies in Spiritual Resilience
In this post-pandemic season as we recovery on some fronts but also continued hardship and strife, these five studies (from both the Old and New Testaments) help root us in God’s faithfulness to his people who throughout history have endured trial, hardship, famine, persecution, and plagues.

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