Inviting Well (Ministry Playbook)

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Inviting Well

Connect with even more students and faculty as you make winsome, welcoming invitations! Invitations are critical junctures where students and faculty decide whether to take a step deeper—by attending an outreach event, going to a Bible study, or choosing to follow Jesus—or stick to the status quo. We need to do all we can to make our invitations winsome and compelling, to cast our vision well, and engage others.

Better Invitations

  • The qualities of a winsome invitation
  • Ways to make your invitations even more effective
  • How to handle different responses to your invitations

Take the Course

Course Quicksheet

This is a quick summary of the material that you can use as a preview of the course or as a refresher once you've taken it!

View Quicksheet (pdf)


Note: This course is hosted by The Ministry Playbook, which is an online learning space for students, interns, new staff, volunteers, and faculty, meant to offer the basics of campus ministry to anyone who feels called to it. This course is just one of many courses included in the Playbook. In order to take the course, you will need to create an account with The Ministry Playbook.

Resource Topic - Primary
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