Spoken Word: The Woman at the Well

Spoken Word: The Woman at the Well Banner

Spoken Word: The Woman at the Well

An artistic re-telling of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, from John 4. This works excellently to introduce the Beyond Colorblind campaign at conferences, Large Group, Small Group, or in Gigs. It can also be used with other proxe campaigns (Thirsty or Story Project). It helps any John 4 Bible Study, or related conversation with students.


To download this video

  1. Click the word, “Vimeo” on the player above. This will take you to a page on the video hosting site Vimeo.
  2. On that page, click the “Download” button above the video’s description.
  3. Links for different video formats will appear.
  4. To download, right click on your desired format and select either, “Save Link As...”, “Save target as...”, or “Save Linked File As...” (varies by browser), and save the file to your desired location on your computer. (Mac users, you’ll need to have your right click active to do this)."
Resource Topic - Primary
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