Use Digital Camino Videos to Enrich Your Social Media

Use Digital Camino Videos to Enrich Your Social Media banner

Invite your social media feed into a deeper, more contemplative experience of Jesus with this set of videos. Each video features a clip from our Digital Camino, captions, and great imagery. Wouldn’t you love to have more than announcements to share on Instagram? 


What’s inside? 

  • 9 sets of videos 
  • Sized-for-Instagram Posts and Stories 
  • Each less than 60s (ideal for Instagram) 
  • Easily downloadable 


The Backstory 

Recently, InterVarsity’s Study Abroad team discerned an opportunity to offer a unique discipleship experience to students, faculty, alumni, campus ministers, and friends. We love the spiritual experience offered by the Camino de Santiago. What if we looked for a way to offer something resonant with that experience to people who can’t fly across the Atlantic? 

The Digital Camino was born. We’ve loved discipling hundreds of people through this series of audioguides and guided walks. In a time of great anxiety and disruption, Jesus has met many of us through our earbuds while walking, driving, or rolling down the sidewalk. 

Recently, we reached out to some of our Digital Camino superfans and asked them to help us select clips from the audioguides that we could turn into videos to share with our communities on Instagram. These 9 videos are the result. 


How to Use 

  1. Download the videos 
  2. Watch them for yourself 
  3. Share them on your Instagram (either singly or daily for a week or whatever you choose) 
  4. Follow up and engage with the people who interact with the videos 

Download Videos


For Bonus Points 

If you want to give your community a deeper Camino experience, you can invite them to sign up for the Digital Camino here:

Discover a Divine Way to Wander


For Even More Bonus Points 

Studying abroad is God's invitation to go to the ends of the earth, be transformed yourself, and be a difference-maker in the world. We’d love to help you pursue justice in developing countries, witness in post-Christian cultures, and bring real hope to corners of the world where traditional missionaries can’t go.

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Resource Topic - Primary
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